Puppy Preschool Class at the Vet Clinic:

  • Current vaccination certificate.
  • Treat bag: Easier access to the food when training.
  • High-value treats & LOTS of them: Chicken roll, cooked chicken and/or beef, sausage, etc. More than one type is ideal.
  • Mat: A low flat-bed that your dog can rest on.
  • Water bowl + water.
  • Doggy poo bags.
  • Leash: 1.4 – 1.6 metres in length. No flexi leads please!
  • Collar: A flat collar. Harness can be worn – Click here for harness recommendations for when puppy is fully grown.
  • Course notes and a pen.

All other classes at St Lukes Park:

  • Current vaccination certificate.
  • High-value treats & LOTS of them: Chicken roll, cooked chicken and/or beef, sausage, etc. More than one type is ideal.
  • Treat bag: Easier access to the food when training.
  • Mat: A low flat-bed that your dog can rest on.
  • Water bowl + water.
  • Doggy poo bags.
  • Chair: For you to sit on.
  • Clicker – Building Skills, Continuing Skills & Advanced Skills only.
  • Leash: 1.4 – 1.6 metres in length. No flexi leads please!
  • Collar: Flat collar, head collar or limited-slip collar. Harness can be worn – See our harness recommendations.
  • Course notes and a pen.
  • Warm clothes in the cooler months & mozzie spray in the warmer months.

We would love the entire family to come to every class, but the vet waiting rooms do have space restrictions. Please read about children attendance here. We will do out best to include you all!

Puppy Class at the Vet Clinic:

  • Due to limited space, only 2 people = Two adults and/or children in total, can attend the first class (Week 2 practical lesson) as a general rule… however,
  • At Week 2 class, the instructor can assess the number of class participants and may allow more to attend in later weeks. This is at your instructor’s discretion.
  • Please contact us if this is an issue and we will endeavour to accommodate your family!

All other classes at St Lukes Park:

  • We have a great outdoor space so there is no limit on how many family members can attend class – All are welcome!

Yes, familes with children are very welcome in our classes! For everyone’s safety, we have some requirements…

Puppy Class at the Vet Clinic:

Due to space restrictions in the training room, only 2 people are able to attend class as a general rule = Two adults and/or children in total.

  • Adults must always hold the pup’s lead and conduct the training in class. Parents can then teach their children how to train the exercises at home.
  • Children must not approach any other pups in the class.
  • Please ensure children remain seated and under close supervision at all times.
  • Please contact us if you forsee any issues with your children and we will work something out!

All other classes at St Lukes Park:

We have a great outdoor space so there is no limit on how many family members can attend class!

  • Adults must always hold the dog’s lead and conduct the training in class. Parents can then teach their children how to train the exercises at home.
  • Children must be adequately supervised at all times to ensure that they remain close to you.
  • Children must not approach any other dogs in the class.

Aim to arrive a minimum of 5 but ideally, up to 10 minutes before your class start time so you can get your dog and yourself into class, get settled and be ready to start.

All classes start on time!

Latecomers are welcome naturally but please text or call your instructor to let them know when to expect you. 

If the class is cancelled due to bad weather, you will be contacted by the instructor at least one hour before class.

We postpone rather than cancel classes so that you don’t miss any of the course.

Each course that you enrol in is a set number of weeks so if you miss a class unfortunately you will forfeit that lesson.

In most instances, we offer a quick catch-up session 15 minutes before your next class, but that is dependant on the instructor’s availability and not an option if you miss graduation in the final course week.

Yes, you can but ideally this person needs to be familiar with the exercises we have taught so far so that they can keep up with what is being taught in the current class.

For most of our courses, the first lesson is a video presentation and is done at home with your entire family at your convenience.

Just make sure you watch the entire presentation several days before you are due to come to class as there are homework exercises that you will need to practice and it tell you what you need to bring to Week 2.

Course material will be emailed to you on the course start date, usually 1-2 hours prior to your class start time.

Please note, course material can only be sent to those whose payments have been verified.

HARNESS: We recommend the 2Hounds Designs Freedom No-Pull Harness or the Blue-9 Balance Harness®.

LEAD/ LEASH: A webbing lead of about 1.5 metres (no flexi leads please).

COLLAR: Any flat collar that fits well — at least 2-fingers of space on the neck.

We accept direct deposit or credit/debit card via Square.

CLASSES: A link to our website shop will be emailed to you once your enrolment has been accepted. Payment must be received to secure your place in the class.

ONLINE TRAINING: Please visit our Online Training shop.

CONSULTATIONS: We will email you an invoice after your initial consultation and payment is required within 24 hours of your session, or as otherwise stated in the package.

A clicker is a training device that makes a click sound and is used to tell our dogs what behaviour just earned reinforcement.

If you need a clicker for one of our courses, it will be supplied to you during the Week 2 class.

Positive Dogs Service Area includes the following suburbs of the Sydney Inner West Region:

· Annandale · Ashbury · Ashfield
· Balmain · Balmain East · Belfield · Birchgrove · Breakfast Point · Burwood · Burwood Heights
· Cabarita · Canada Bay · Chiswick · Concord · Concord West · Croydon · Croydon Park
· Drummoyne · Enfield · Five Dock · Glebe · Haberfield · Homebush · Homebush West
· Leichhardt · Liberty Grove · Lilyfield · Marrickville · Mortlake · Newington · North Strathfield
· Rhodes · Rodd Point · Rozelle · Russell Lea · Strathfield · Strathfield South · Summer Hill · Wentworth Point

If you live outside of this area, please Find A Delta Dog Trainer via the Delta Institute.

We follow the current health requirements which could mean you may need to  show us your COVID vaccination certificates, check in using the QR code and wear a mask while indoors.

We have to strictly limit attendance in class to two people per puppy to ensure we comply with current physical distancing regulations and also due to space limits in the clinic waiting room where we hold our class.

Additional people will not be able to be admitted into class. We do apologise for any inconvenience this causes.

If you are unwell, are living with someone with COVID or are deemed a close contact and/or need to isolate, please do not come to class.